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Expat in Recife: Housing
Find the perfect home as an expat in Recife with these travel tips.
What is Travel Flexing?
#JustGo! "Quit you 9-5 and get paid to do what you love!" All the cool influencers are doing it. Don't you just wanna be popular?
Impostor Syndrome: Do I deserve my bounty?
You set up in your new space. You acknowledge how far you've come. You caption your photo #MadeIt..... So why does it feel like they know you're a fake and it's all gonna vanish any minute now?
Volunteer: Giving back gives back
Volunteering reduces stress and fights depression and isolation within us. It ignites our soulfire to warm our communities and often overlooked: ourselves.
Reading Roundup 1: Trips through time
Travel writing doesn't have to be a stiff account of a monied Victorian's thirst to "engage the Other." We share a roundup of readings for the worldly wanderer.
"I Choose Exile" by Richard Wright
"But enough of generalizations; let me glance back and describe the last personal event which resolved me to leave America."
Promote peace instead of hunting happiness
Peace is much sturdier than fleeting moments of euphoria because it doesn’t require you to be giddy and happy all the time–it allows you the space to be complex and whole.
5 Traveler types and how they flex
Every traveler is different, as is every travel influencer. So it stands to reason that every travel flex would be different too.
Dear expat, it's OK to feel lost (Pt. 1)
A letter to the expat that feels like "the prodigal child" upon returning to a home where time has crept through solid memory.
Hey, Beautiful: Feel good, look good!
Beauty is a state of mind that expresses itself in our actions and appearance. The better we nourish and take care of ourselves, the more radiant we become.
Conjugate a Smile
A breather and a smile, no matter who initiates it, resets the entire situation and restores us all to our common humanity: The part that wants to connect with everyone.
Recife Carnival and Frevo music
There's a famous saying: For Carnival the world goes to Rio, but those in Rio go to Recife. Recife Carnival is a breed all its own. Get a glimpse of Recife Carnival and the magic of it's music: Frevo.
Praia de Sossego: A lesson in activity
"Nailed it," said God, probably, on my behalf.
It's not a spoiler because if I can write about it, I obviously survived this journey that should have killed my lethargy-ridden self.
Travel Deeply
Some people prefer to hit every city in a new country, while others prefer a single place to slowly branch outward from. Learn more about deep travel.
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The promise that you'll let creativity, adventure and self-love flow and take form. The promise that you'll vibe higher.
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